Timeline of the Indian Bookworm

‘Can I smell it?’ ‘No! Nooooo. Give it back. Give back the smell.’ I pulled the book back from my friend’s hands and clutched it to my chest. I stroked the paper back cover of the book like I was caring for a newly born child. ‘The smell forms an essence of the book. And you tried to take away the essence. I might get violent.’ I warned my friend while she rolled her eyes. Well, those are the side effects of having a bookworm for a friend. The timeline of the Indian bookworm: Ages 10 – 12 : The Muggle Born Witch and the Secret Seven detective Probably most Indian kids got hooked on to books because of our beloved J. K. Rowling and our very own Enid Blyton. Our evenings were spent in coming up with innovative passwords and secret group meetings so that we could be as cool as the Secret Seven. Our childhoods be like, ‘Mom, did an owl come with my letter?’ ‘Not yet. But why don’t you finish your maths homework?’ ‘Maths! I got to...