Kashmir Great Lakes Trek

Trek: Kashmir Great Lakes (KGL) August 2017 Highest Altitude: 13750 Duration: 8 Days Skill: Moderate Endurance: Difficult Trek Organizers: Trek the Himalayas Trek Guide: Pawan Co-guides: Riyaz Bhai and Farooq Bhai Trekkers: Sanjeev, Suresh, Ravi, Prasad, Vasant, Sagnik, Chandan, Rajat, Sweta, Veena, Munnabhai, Zubair, Meenakshi, Akshay, Hiren, Mario, Mayuri, Sharayu Head Cook: Kashi I skipped along the final few yards and ran towards the tents which had already been set up. Not many people from the group had reached yet as a plonked my bag down on the rock outside one of the tents and sat down next to it. The camp was right next to the Nandkul lake and the shards of sunlight were filtering in through the clouds and mountains to give an ethereal glow to the water. I stared and stared till my eyes burnt and I had to look away for a second. Even after witnessing so many beautiful lakes their beauty still managed to enthral me. It was a weird feeling....